Giulia Battistoni has been the coordinator and main organizer of the Third International Congress of SAFI (Societas Aperta Feminarum in Iuris Theoria) on the topic “Responsibility” (Verona/Bosco Chiesanuova, 29th September 2022-1st October 2022).
She also gave a talk titled: Grounding Responsibility: Kant’s and Hegel’s approach in light of the state of necessity.
The conference took place in cooperation with IXDeae (Novae Deae) APS, and with the two research Centers of the Department of Human Sciences of the University of Verona „Asklepios“ and „Ricerche di Gnoseologia e Metafisica“.
With the patronage of Provincia di Verona and Europe Direct-Provincia di Verona; Comune di Verona; Comune di Bosco Chiesanuova; Consolato Generale della Repubblica Federale di Germania a Milano; of Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici; of Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici; of Società Italiana di Filosofia Morale; of SWIP Italia; of SWIP Germany; Goethe-Zentrum Verona; of Gender Interuniversity Observatory.
With the support of the following publishers: Berliner Wissenschafs-Verlag; Duncker & Humblot; Velbrück Wissenschaft Verlag; Nomos.
Form more information about the conference (keynote speakers and full program), see: